Novo is a women’s footwear retailer with over 119 stores throughout Australia. Novo offers a range of seasonal designs at very affordable prices. Shop Novo online to browse the latest catalogues and weekly ads for deals on boots, pumps, flats, sandals, heels, wedges, handbags, accessories, and more!
Become a Member
Become a Novo VIP and receive fabulous offers. You’ll be privy to exclusive competitions, discounts, and updates on the latest trends. Plus, you’ll get a $10, $20 or $30 reward when you spend $100, $150 or $200 online respectively. Novo will even send you a $20 gift on your birthday!
Sensational Savings
Shop online at Novo to take advantage of their sensational savings. If you’re a student, you can score yourself a 20% discount on full priced items. Just verify your student status with UNiDAYS and get shopping! Plus, you’ll get free shipping when you make an online order over $90! For up-to-date information on store locations, trading hours, and to browse the latest Novo flyer, visit the Shopfully website today or download the app.