RACT is the leading service organisation of Tasmania, offering a wide variety of services. Established in 1923, RACT plays an important role within the Tasmanian community; striving to enhance the lives of all members. Shop online at RACT to browse weekly ads and catalogues for hot deals on motoring services, insurance, travel products, tourism products and exclusive member benefits.
Added Value
Become a member and enjoy a range of discounts and benefits. You’ll receive the RACT bi-monthly magazine, free technical advice, competitions, daily news, hot offers and more. Plus, as a member you’re entitled to exclusive discounts across a range of products from partner organisations across the state, nation, and even internationally.
Sensational Services
Visit RACT online and take advantage of a range of sensational services that make your life easier! From the RACT homepage you can get a quote, pay a bill, book a trip, become a member, browse member deals, and more. RACT even give you step-by-step instructions on how to make a claim for those who need a little help. The latest deals are also on display to whet your appetite! Visit Shopfully to browse the latest flyeror download the app.